August Bank Holiday Weekend

As always, some of us are camping, and some day-tripping, to Kettering for the Greenbelt Festival: Greenbelt Festival - Greenbelt
If you can’t join us in person, why not sign up to watch livestreamed highlights on Friday, Saturday or Sunday?

A few breakfast highlights...

As we come together from different communities, we're enjoying recognising God at work in and through those at different life stages, or in different patterns of life. In our gatherings, there has been space for quiet refection, deep thought, gentle play, lively conversation... and a sense of God With Us!

On our first Sunday Breakfast , we built, and our creations fell down, so we built again… and again… and again. All while discussing and exploring what makes for a good foundation to build upon. Some of us read, some of us played, some of us ate - it was good to be together!

On the second Sunday Breakfast, we pondered why Jesus so often used story when talking to those around him - adults and children alike. And we pondered, played, and prayed with the themes and promptings from Jesus' seemingly ridiculous story of a shepherd leaving his sheep to seek out one that was lost. It is so encouraging to think that that's how far God goes for each of us! Sharing first hand stories of the noise a field of sheep make when they notice one of their number missing, we wondered what our noisy prayers might be this week...  Or whether what we need is some time in silence, perhaps with a labyrinth, listening to the God who can always meet us where we are.  

On the third Sunday Breakfast, w were delighted to welcome Alex Clare-Young,  a local URC pioneer minister in Trumpington,  who used  'out of the box' to tell a story about wild and wonderful growing things and see what it has to say to us and our community.  It was wonderful seeing how our community found joy and wonder in a diverse and multicoloured tree, filled with birds and life, with space for people at all stages of life to rest, play, or shelter. We also did some weeding in the Conversation Area - where the apples look almost ready to harvest!

Our forth Sunday Breakfast saw us asking Who is My Neighbour, as we reflected both on Jesus' parable of the Good Samaritan, and the recent riots... and our own  involvement in the Northstowe Faith Leaders' Joint Statement for Peace

September's Afternoon BBQ

Before we return to our regular term time activities, the whole Network are invited to come together for a Start of Term BBQ (in the style of our regular Afternoon Teas)

We'd love regular members to bring-and-share - why not bring along a friend, as well as a contribution to our meal?

COOKS AND SETUP  TEAM NEEDED: Please let us know if you can help us set up (including getting the BBQs going) and/or take a turn at cooking?
The Northstowe Church Network is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Safeguarding Officer. The Diocese of Ely’s safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor (DSA) who advise our SO. If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the DSA. If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority Children or Adults Services.