“Compline” is the ancient monastic service of “Completion”.
In the 8th century, Benedictine monks began a pattern of praying 8 eight times a day: Matins (before dawn), Lauds (at sunrise), then Prime, Terce, Sext, None, and Vespers throughout the day (each about three hours apart). Finally, at bedtime, Compline. Today, Anglican prayer books offer four such ‘offices’ – morning, midday, evening, and night. Like most prayer offices, Compline includes a confession, a reading from the Psalms and other Scriptures, written and responsive prayers, and a time for silence or extemporaneous prayer.
This final service of the day is an opportunity to reflect on the day that has passed, to peak through a small window of Scripture into the Big Story of God’s ongoing encounter with his people, and to draw on words hallowed by tradition as “a way to wade into the ongoing stream of the church’s communion with [God],”* as Tish Harrison Warren expresses it. She goes on to explain “Scripted prayers—the prayers of Compline, the Psalms, or any other received prayers—are not static. As we pray them, we read our own lives back into the words we pray. Our own biographies shape our understanding of these prayers as much as these prayers shape us and our own stories.”
* Warren, Tish Harrison. Prayer in the Night (pp. 7, 125).
Want to find out more? A good place to start is Tish Harrison Warren’s excellent book “Prayer in the Night; for those who work or watch or weep”. An American Anglican priest, she combines her own personal experiences of prayer in a time of suffering [trigger warning: miscarriage and bereavement] with a rooted and thoughtful unpacking of the wonderful ancient tradition of Prayer in the Night.
🌟 Key Dates for Your Calendar! 🌟
❌ NO NORTHSTOWE GATHERING on Sunday 23rd Feb (end of half term) ❌
📅 Pathfinder Vision Morning
Details are in the works—chat with Will if you’d like to get involved!
📅 Building Project Focused Church Meeting
📍 Thursday, 6th Feb – 7:30 PM, THE CABIN
A chance to catch up and focus on our exciting plans.
🥞 Pancake Party
📍 Sunday, 2nd March, Pathfinder Primary School
Bring your appetite and celebrate together—pancakes for everyone!
✝️Ash Wednesday Choral Eucharist with Ashing
📍Wednesday, 5th March, Pembroke College Chapel
We're travelling into town to enjoy the beauty of this traditional service led by the combined college choirs. 🎵
✨ Special Events During Holy Week ✨
See the Easter page for full details, but here’s a quick preview:
🌿 Palm Sunday – 13th April, 10am OUTSIDE
🍷 Maundy Thursday – 17th April, evening
✝️ Good Friday – 18th April, 10am, Pathfinder Primary
🌅 Easter Sunday – 20th April, dawn at the Lake, and 10am, Pathfinder Primary (around the campfire, weather permitting)
📍 Sunday, 27th April (after the Northstowe Half Marathon)
A perfect combo of church family time and a tasty BBQ to wrap up the day.
❌ NO NORTHSTOWE GATHERING on Sunday 4th May (Early May Bank Holiday) ❌
Mark your calendars—we’d love to see you there! 💒✨
Mark your calendars—we’d love to see you there! 💒✨