
Revd Dr Beth Cope

Pioneer Minister for Northstowe

Beth moved to Northstowe in 2018, bringing a love of new build communities - noise, dust and all! - and passion for community-building, coffee, and asking Big Questions. She has a background as a computational mineral physicist, gaining her PhD at the University of Cambridge using Quantum Physics to probe deeply into how material structures function. She sees science and faith as perfect partners in the quest to understand the world around us. 

Beth is deeply committed to working together with Christians from other backgrounds, as well as those exploring their spirituality for the first time.  She trained as an Anglican Pioneer Priest with the Cambridge Theological Federation, with placements in both local Anglican and Baptist churches, while also being involved in lay leadership in the nearby New Town of Cambourne (another local ecumenical partnership). In October 2024, Beth was commissioned to lead Baptist, Anglican, and URC services here in Northstowe  - read more
Beth is also the Bishop of Ely's Advisor on New Housing, is a member of Bishop's Council, and part of the Churches Together in England New Housing Group

She set up and now chairs the Northstowe Youth Hive in her role as representative of the Northstowe Church Network.

Leadership Teams

Leadership involves establishing a clear vision; sharing that vision with others so that they will take action; providing the information, knowledge and methods to realise that vision, while balancing the differing interests of all members and stakeholders. Leadership is distributed throughout the Northstowe Church Network, since the Holy Spirit is at work in all of God’s people.  As we grow into our identity as  the Northstowe Church Network, each of our worshipping communities is developing it's own leadership team, under the oversight of the Trustees


Little Explorers is led by Revd Beth, Hannah Mellows, and Rachel Addison. Becky Eccleston is also part of the team as a Little Explorers helper. And we're currently recruiting additional team members from within the group (watch this space!)

Pathfinder Church is led by Revd Beth working closely will the trustees. We're currently inviting others who feel call to prayerfully shape the vision to join us - read more in this recent eNews, and look out for information on our next Vision morning.

The Compline Community has grown up as people have sought out a more quiet and reflective style of worship, with the community increasingly shaping and leading their own worship. Our ordinand, Matilda Tempest, joins Revd Beth in leading services... and we look forward to growing up a leadership team in due course. 


The trustees are responsible for the governance, with responsibility for the strategic direction of the Northstowe Church Network. Revd Beth chairs the group, ex-officio.

Will Addison

Warden - warden @

"Hello I'm Will. I live in Over with my wife and two sons. I really enjoy being part of the Northstowe Church Network. I love the way the Network provides safe and open spaces for us to ask questions about faith. I am so pleased to be part of building a community of Christians in Northstowe and the surrounding villages. I’m keen to explore new ways for us to support each other in growing our connection with God."

Becky Eccleston 

Treasurer - treasurer @

"Hello! My name is Becky. I’m a Mum, teacher, wife and sailor; I love the outdoors and coffee. My favourite place in the world is by the sea, preferably with a good book. When we can’t get to the sea, we enjoy sailing locally instead. I stepped down from teaching adults when we moved here  and I now run my own business from home. 
I’m standing for council as I want to use my skills and experience to serve God and his people, and because I enjoy solving problems and making things happen.  I also know about the quality of cake around here!."

Becky is also our Eco Champion as we seek accreditation as an EcoChurch

Hannah Mellows

"Hello, my name is Hannah Mellows. I am a mother of four, living in Northstowe. We as a family have loved being part of Pathfinder Church Northstowe and I've enjoyed being involved in the development of the church. Being on church council means that I can prayerfully be involved in the growth of the church and support those in leadership, which in turn will help the community of Northstowe.."

Other key roles

Michelle Kemp

Safeguarding officer - safeguarding @

Hi I'm Michelle. I live in Northstowe and have a real passion for our community. I love kayaking and can often be found paddling down the Ouse in Over. I also love reading and crafts.

If you have any questions or concerns about safeguarding, please get in touch with Michelle on

Minutes Secretary 
secretary @

We are currently recruiting a Minutes Secretary to support the trustees. Watch this space...
The email account is currently being monitored by the rest of the team.

Rachel Cope

One of North Stowe Deanery's Diocesan Synod reps,
and our local Anglican Link  - cofe @

"As a young person living in a new town and worshipping in a fresh expression of church, I want to learn more and so help others from my generation join in. I love seeing different traditions work together each bringing their own strengths. I value respectful discussions, seeing Christians from different denominations learn from each other and understand their own position better in the process. Inclusion matters: everyone should be welcome, included, and encouraged to develop their faith and themselves as people. I want to be part of a church that looks after creation so it will support future generations."

Coming soon...

In celebration of our new ecumenical partnerships, we are looking to elect a more Link representatives to ensure we stay well connected with the Church of England, Baptists, and the United Reformed Church. Talk to Revd Beth if you think God might be prompting you to explore this more...

Students and young people

Ministry Students from the Cambridge Theological Federation

We hugely value strengthening our connections with the wider church, across the denominations, by having students on placements. The students are often doing different courses, and have different levels of involvement. Our students undertake these placements as part of a course of academic study involving interaction with people. Conversations and encounters from the student’s placement learning may be used as the basis for theological reflections, which may or may not be written, spoken and / or assessed as part of a Durham University Common Awards programme. Conversations and encounters, when used in such ways, will be anonymised; the names and identifying features of individuals, families, churches and communities will not be included. Do speak to Revd Beth if you have any questions

We have recently had trainee ministers from Ridley, Westcott, and Westminster colleges

We are pleased to have Matilda Tempest, an ordinand (student minister) from Westcott,  on placement with us at the Northstowe Church Network during the 2024/2025 academic year. She will be shadowing Revd Beth Cope and Revd Stephen Dove, as well as taking part in community events and the life of the whole Northstowe Church Network including Little Explorers, Compline, and Pathfinder Church. As part of her academic work, she will be required to reflect on her experiences in Northstowe. The work will be marked and seen only by examiners. All names and identifying details will be changed. If you have concerns about this or would rather that he didn't reflect on any encounter with you, please speak to Matilda directly or to Revds Beth or Stephen (

Duke of Edinburgh volunteers

We have appreciated having young people on the DofE scheme do their volunteering  with us for their Bronze and Silver awards. Recent placement have included a focus on running hospitality and helping to set up and pack down, including children's resources, s during Sunday Afternoon Gatherings.

Worship Gang

The Worship Gang is made up of 8 Yr 5/6 students at The Pathfinder CofE Primary School.  Supported by Revds Beth and Stephen (wearing their pink lanyards), the students proudly wear blue lanyards as they meet on Thursday lunchtimes to review recent Collective Worships, discuss how they could be Even Better, and prepare to plan and lead upcoming events. They also get involved in dreaming about ways to help those of all religious and non religious beliefs find space to reflect, and put those reflections in action, for the good of the whole community, not just themselves. They have taken responsibility for the development of Rooted Stations, as well as leading  Collective Worship for the whole school most weeks.

What is the Northstowe Church Network?

Those of us gathering in the various new communities that make up the Northstowe Church Network come from all Christian traditions as well as those new to Christianity: together we are pilgrims on a journey, asking questions and exploring the connections we find between everyday life and our spirituality and faith. At the heart of all this is a recognition that we are seeking to follow “The Pathfinder”, Jesus Christ. Our vision is to be people who are praying, exploring and sharing: we’d love you to join our partnership!

The Northstowe Church Network is:
  • a network of missional and worshiping communities: you might find your primary home in Pathfinder Church, or Little Explorers, or the Compline Community… or be part of developing something new!
  • a local ecumenical partnership of the Church of England, the Baptist Union of Great Britain, and the United Reformed Church. We are working closely with the other Christian traditions involved in Churches Together in Cambridgeshire, including the Quakers and Methodists.
  • the charity that provides the umbrella for our shared mission and ministry in the growing new town of Northstowe.
What unites us is much stronger than our denominational backgrounds: it is a rooted, growing, and transforming faith based on an encounter with the ancient and eternal God who still changes lives today.

Praying, exploring, and sharing: our vision

Praying -  Everything we do is grounded in prayer -- recognising that the God who made us and loves us is intimately concerned with the practical realities of our day to day life. Prayer looks different for many people -- why not come and try out a few ways and see what works for you?
Exploring -  We're not following a 'blue print' for how to "start a church". We're exploring together -- listening to and working with people as they move into Northstowe, as well as listening to and responding to the wisdom of the Christian tradition.
Sharing - And we know that we can't do any of this alone. We're here to work together, to bless each other, to learn from each other, sharing this adventure. Why not join us!

When our Bishop's Mission Order was renewed in 2024, we updated our original Objectives to make mention of our identity as an "ecumenical network of missional and worshipping communities":

To enable the further development of the ecumenical network of missional and worshipping communities, so that it might become a sustainable and viable church with responsibility for mission in the area of Northstowe, establishing an organic Christian community for the people who live there, making disciples of Jesus and serving the local community, as expressed in the BMO 2023 Quinquennial Review.

Stretch Wide The Tent: our shared aims

In late 2023, the local church community expressed their aims for the next five years as follows:
Inspired by Isaiah 54, we will ‘stretch wide the tent’ – bringing together those new to faith with those of many Trinitarian Christian traditions – grasping missional and formational opportunities to allow everyone, from the youngest to the oldest, to develop our relationship and love of God, equipping us to fulfil God’s purposes for us in the places He has called us to be.

Therefore, we commit to sharing – partnering with those who live, work, study, or are called to love Northstowe, creating safe spaces where questions can be asked, confidence developed, and Spirit-breathed plans turned into action. We dare to explore new expressions of church as well as pioneering future inherited modes of church. These individual missional and worshipping communities will develop contextually and organically. Locally led, they will be part of a visible and sustainable network, not just sharing ecumenical governance but periodically coming together in prayer, worship, and to do things that could not be done alone. Across the network, we long to be known for our peaceful, prayerful presence, having the confidence to hold the ministry of hospitality and loving service alongside acts of Christian worship.

Through the ‘tent pegs’ of prayer and exploration of the still-unfolding story of God’s encounter with his people, we will be rooted, deep into the soil, which is slowly, person by person, house by house, school by school, and phase by phase becoming Northstowe.

Our ecumenical story: multiple Christian denominations working in partnership

The word “denomination” refers to which branch of the Christian family tree you are part of – what traditions most shape you.  Denominations working together in partnership is known as “ecumenism”. Here, the partner denominations involved in our formal legal paperwork are the Church of England, the Baptist Union of Great Britain, and the United Reformed Church. In addition, we have close links with other churches involved in Churches Together in Cambridge.

We celebrate that all the denominations involved in the Northstowe Church Network bring different gifts and strengths. We won’t agree on everything. Often, even people within the same denomination don’t agree on everything! But working together gives us opportunities to learn from each other, and gives glory to God.
Our basis for unity with our partner churches follows the example of Churches Together England*. Such groups unite in pilgrimage those Churches  which, acknowledging God’s revelation in Christ, confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the Scriptures, and, in obedience to God’s will and in the power of the Holy Spirit commit themselves:
  • to seek a deepening of their communion with Christ and with one another in the Church, which is his body; and
  • to fulfil their mission to proclaim the Gospel by common witness and service in the world

to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

* including the welcome of Quaker involvement because of their manifold shared faith evenwhile acknowledging  that they do not have a creedal basis.

How we reached this point: the Ecumenical Vision Statement for Northstowe

From the early days of Northstowe,  God has been calling together people from across Christian traditions and those new to faith, who have been putting down roots in Northstowe and developing into a network of ecumenical worshipping communities. The initial worshiping community, known as Pathfinder Church Northstowe, was formed under Anglican governance and funding, with strong ecumenical support.  In a celebration of receptive ecumenism, and building on the joint working already in place, Pathfinder Church Northstowe sought the support of the denominations involved in Churches Together in Cambridgeshire. The following Shared Commitment has been agreed by the Council of Pathfinder Church Northstowe, the Diocese of Ely (Church of England), the Eastern Synod of the United Reformed Church,  the Eastern Baptist Association (BUGB), the Cambridgeshire Area Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), and the East Anglia Methodist District. 

Shared Commitment:

Together, we have committed to share in prayer for Northstowe, and provide practical support in setting up the right structures for the next stages:
  • We commit ourselves to sharing together in the ministry of Christ to the world, and within this context to explore together the meaning and possibilities of unity for worship, evangelism, mission and service.
  • We commit ourselves to assessing the resources of church and community in terms of people, money and buildings, and to deploying them in the best way in relation to the aspirations and needs of local people
  • We commit ourselves to maintaining and developing relationships with our parent bodies and with Churches Together in Cambridgeshire (previously Cambridgeshire Ecumenical Council).

Practicalities: how do we share communion ecumenically?

We come from many different Christians traditions - and plenty of us were completely new to faith when they joined us. So sharing in communion is both beautiful... and a little messy as we seek to honour each other well! Our ministers are Anglican priests, but, as part of our ecumenical partnership, they can lead communion services following the patterns and practices of the Church of England, United Reformed Church and Baptist Union.

We ask that all those taking part do so in line with their own position and heritage. For those new to all this, we encourage you to talk this over with us, and we love to offer blessings to everyone!

As we deepen our ecumenical identity, we're all learning more about the range of practices and traditions in our partnership - and why they are important. For example:
  • In URC churches, the table is open to all who wish to share in the meal [Read a helpful PDF here]
  •  In many Baptist churches, communion is shared by members of the church who have made a public declaration of faith.
  • The standard practice of the Church of England is that the bread and wine are shared between those who have been baptised and confirmed (made an adult profession of faith) or (for children) prepared to communion - but all those already in the habit of receiving communion in another denomination are also welcome 
  • In some of our traditions, children receive communing from a young age, or not until after Confirmation - either such position will of course be honoured. We encourage families with children to talk about the communion practices that are important to them, and to honour these within our services: we are happy to be part of those conversations. 
We always have gluten-free bread available (please let us know!), and non-alcoholic wine/grape juice. Because of our ecumenical partnerships, for those from traditions who would receive from individual cups, this is available. We are now also reinstating the Common Cup for those from traditions where this is important, but if you do not want to drink from it for health reasons then feel free to receive in one kind:  we remember that The Church has always taught that the fullness of God's Grace is still received even if only the bread is eaten. 

Across the Network, there are always opportunities for communions at key Festivals - both out in the open air (as pictured as a special Wild Church) and in the various places where we meet.  Each worshipping community is finding it's own pattern of sharing at the Lord's Table.
  • Pathfinder Church celebrate communion normally once a month all together (intergenerationally) in a main Sunday Gathering. When we celebrate communion, it shapes our entire Sunday Gathering, with the Great Thanksgiving and Sharing of Bread and Wine happening within the "offering and responding" part of the service.
  • The Compline Community share in Communion Meals loosely once every half term - and invite others from across the Network to join them
  • Little Explorers have a beautiful non-eucharistic liturgy where they re-tell the story of the last supper with bread sticks at least once every half term in their regular Thursday morning session. We are exploring how and when to develop this more sacramentally, and are sure to involve Little Explorers in network-wide communion events.

Catholic Mass

The closest Catholic Church to Northstowe is St Laurence's, Milton Road, Cambridge, offering 4 Sunday Masses. See the St Laurence's website for more information and read this week's newsletter for the latest.  Mass is also said at the Church Centre, Bar Hill, at 6pm on a Saturday,  For details, see here.

With the support of St Laurence's, we also encourage Catholics living in Northstowe to join the Compline Community for prayers on alternate Thursday evenings

Charitable Objectives of the Northstowe Church Network

The Northstowe Church Network is a Registered Charity #1206577.

The objects of the Local Ecumenical Partnership (LEP), to be carried out for the public benefit in the geographic area of Northstowe in Cambridgeshire (hereinafter referred to as ‘the area of benefit’), are:

(3.1) To advance the Christian faith in accordance with the principles and practices of the Participating Denominations in the area of benefit. In furtherance of this object, but not otherwise, the LEP may engage in a range of activities, either on its own or with others, including (but not restricted to):
  • the celebration of public worship in accordance with the doctrines, practices and traditions set out in the Partnership Agreement entered into by the Participating Denominations;
  • the teaching of the Christian faith;
  • mission and evangelism;
  • pastoral work, including visiting the sick and the bereaved;  
  • the provision of facilities with a Christian ethos for the local community, including (but not restricted to) the elderly, the young and other groups with special needs.
  • the support, within a Christian ethos, of charitable organisations in the UK and overseas.

(3.2) To further or benefit the residents in and around the area of benefit without distinction of sex, sexual orientation, race or of political, religious or other opinions by associating together the said residents and the local authorities, voluntary and other organisations in a common effort to advance education and to provide facilities in the interests of social welfare for recreation and leisure time occupation with the objective of improving the conditions of life for the residents. In furtherance of these objects but not otherwise, the trustees shall have power: To establish or secure the establishment of a community centre and to maintain or manage or co-operate with any statutory authority in the maintenance and management of such a centre for activities promoted by the charity in furtherance of the above objects.


Our backstory

Hear some of our backstory in this Pecha Kucha made in October 2022

Other Partnerships: Growing Faith

Growing Faith is the movement that exists to change the culture of the Church of England so that everyone instinctively puts children, young people and families at the heart of all the mission and ministry of the Church. It comes from the vision set by the House of Bishops and endorsed by General Synod in 2019. It involves churches, schools and households working together to help children, young people and families have life in all its fullness.
The Growing Faith Foundation seeks to benefit children and young people, helping them create the world they want to live in, specifically through the lens of the Christian faith. In the short term, this will mean focusing on 0-16 year olds but in the medium to long term it will include 17-21 year olds.
The Growing Faith Foundation has chosen us to be one of 12 Learning Hubs across the country to further its impact in these areas. Together, we aim to become strong developmental communities of practice from which other school and church leaders (both regionally and nationally) can learn.
"In partnership with Northstowe’s young people, families, and schools, we are exploring a possible Outdoor Eco Worship and Learning Environment embodying “the roots to grow, the path to follow, the wings to fly”, through a “service-first” approach. Four years of collaborations seeded ecumenical prayers, Little Explorers (“time for you, your baby, and God”), schools work, transitions work, a youth charity, sustainability projects, and fresh expression of church with half under 16. All without a physical home. Through discipling emerging leaders, we plan to develop these, creating unique spaces where rooted faith contextually blesses our new town: praying, exploring, and sharing."

Other Partnerships: The Northstowe Youth Hive

Since the early days of Northstowe, those involved in Pathfinder Church and what is now the Northstowe Church Network have been committed to supporting Northstowe's Young People. Working with other community members, and in response to what we were hearing from the young people themselves, we set up and established the Northstowe Youth Hive. The Northstowe Church Network appoints a trustee for the Northstowe Youth Hive: the current representative is Revd Beth Cope, who is serving as Chair. But this project is much bigger than just church involvement, drawing trustees and members from across many religious and non-religious background. The Northstowe Youth Hive work in partnership with many other community groups and organizations, most closely with Romsey Mill. 

The Northstowe Youth Hive aims to bring together Northstowe’s young people from different cultures, faiths, genders and backgrounds to

  • have fun,

  • develop,

  • and make a difference

At the request of the young people, the Northstowe Youth Hive have partnered with the Northstowe Hub to open the Hub Cafe after school on Wednesdays, serving the milkshakes that they asked for, alongside the Romsey Mill led youth club for years 9-11. Several people from the church volunteer in this cafe slot, alongside others from many different religious and non religious beliefs. Fancy joining us, or helping with the new Monday evening youth club? Get in touch... 

Charitable Giving and Mission Partners

As the Northstowe Church Network, we know that there are places where we cannot personally give hands on support. So, in keeping with our Christian ethos, we commit to work with other organisations, locally, nationally, and internationally.  We try to make a significant difference to a small number of causes (rather than spreading our support thinly) and make a commitment for several years when needed.  Our aim is to develop a relationship of accountability and trust which we do by praying regularly for them, receiving updates on how our contributions are being spent and hosting speakers. In 2023, we were delighted to support the following as a church:



A global organisation working with local authorities, partners and survivors to stop slavery and violence. As a Partner Church, we have committed to pray for the work of IJMUK, and benefit from regular updates from the team at IJMUK. We encourage individuals to sign up to get the IJM prayer mailings directly. We also fundraise for the work of IJM, and were delighted to be able to give £500 in 2023.
 In their latest update they wrote:
I wanted to email to say a HUGE thank you for your Christmas gift to help stop slavery and violence. Your kind donation of £500 will help IJM’s work with authorities to bring more children, men, and women like Zoey* to safety and support them as they overcome trauma. Today, over 1,000 children are safe from abuse in the Philippines – thanks to the support of people like you. Zoey was a child when she was trafficked and abused by people she thought she could trust, for sex offenders around the world to watch online. Zoey endured four years of abuse before she was brought to safety by IJM and Philippine authorities. A Swedish man was convicted for directing and watching her abuse online. With support from IJM social workers and her friends, Zoey began to recover and decided to go to college to study psychology. She hopes to be a licensed psychologist one day to help other children heal from trauma and find hope for the future.  Today, Zoey is a member of the Philippine Survivor Network, a group of survivors who are using their experiences to shape and lead the movement to protect children from violence.

Thank you for being part of the movement, until all are free.

“I see how my story inspires others. I want to let others know how I endured my past and how I was able to overcome.” - Zoey (*Pseudonym. To protect survivor, her face has been obscured. Consent gathered for all images.)




Closer to home, we have supported the work of Cambridge Churches Homeless Project - a collection of churches and a synagogue that work together to offer practical care and support to people who would otherwise be sleeping rough in Cambridge  each winter.
“The growing challenge of homelessness in our society is one of the great scandals of our time. Christian communities, recognising the immeasurable value of every individual, must continue to witness to the dignity of the homeless, to serve their needs, and to challenge society to confront a situation which is shameful for a wealthy nation and a prosperous city.” Dr. Rowan Williams | former patron, CCHP.

In 2023, we were able to give £500 to support the work of this small local charity as they:
  • provide meals and support services through our volunteer network at the winter shelter provided by Cambridge City Council in partnership with It Takes a City at Crossways on Chesterton Road,
  • provide emergency accommodation and support to those who fall through the safety net of statutory provision, and
  • provide funding for the post of Bishop of Ely’s Officer for the Homeless which provides chaplaincy, practical and pastoral support to the Homeless. The post is currently vacant but they are hoping that it will be filled in the near future, as it has proved a valuable and much appreciated service to the homeless community.

Ethical and Sustainable Commitments

Exciting news! Northstowe Church Network has been awarded Silver Eco Church status!  As we dream of an eco-focused worship and community space, this recognition affirms our commitment to caring for creation. Visit our eco page to read more... and find resources to support you at home too.

Litter Picks and Care of Creation

Since the earliest days of Northstowe, we have worked to help residents care for our new town.  We planned and delivered Northstowe's 1st Sustainability Day back in 2019, which led to partnerships with local residents, and the emerging community groups. For many years, we coordinated a monthly litter pick, working closely with first Longstanton Parish Council, and subsequently the newly-formed Northstowe Town Council, as well as Sustainable Northstowe and Longstanton and Plastic Free Northstowe and Longstanton.  Today, Northstowe is simply too big to litter pick on a monthly basis... and (wonderfully!) there isn't nearly as much litter as there used to be. So, instead, we are focusing on a few big events throughout year, often during national campaigns such as Great Big Green Week. 

Our Plastic Free Pledge

We're long been passionate about caring for creation. So, when the opportunity arose to sign up to the Surfers Against Sewage Plastic Free pledge, and become a Plastic Free ally, we jumped in!

We found several ways that we could reduce our single use plastics - such as switching to use washable cups and plates at our community and church events wherever possible; swapping to use plastic-free teabags; and using clip frames and reusable poster stands instead of laminating in the vast majority of cases.


Ethical Coffee Commitment

Since 2022, we have been buying our coffee from Kickstart coffee. Not only is this ethically sourced Ugandan speciality coffee, roasted and packaged in Cambridge, UK but every penny of profits supporting children's health & education in Uganda. Read more: Our story & purpose – Kickstart coffee

Supporting Cambridge City Foodbank

It was wonderful to be able to take up a Harvest Collection for Cambridge City Foodbank again this year, working in partnership with The Pathfinder C of E Primary School  Thank you to everyone contributed! We dropped the food off at the central warehouse in town, where they sort it, and box it up to ensure everyone gets a well balanced selection of food, with good long dates.

Locally, the Northstowe Welcome Centre  are also collecting extra sanitary items to give out alongside food parcels (which are delivered to the Northstowe Welcome Centre from the central the warehouse). Please drop off contributions at The Cabin

Don't forget, if this year you are in need of support, then Revd Beth or Revd Stephen can give you a foodbank voucher for three days of emergency food which can be picked up in Northstowe on Wednesdays or in other local places on other weekdays. Because anyone can find themselves in a crisis. It's ok to ask for help!

Get in touch: or 01954 261 181
"Thank you so much to everyone who contributed towards your collection, and thank you to you for hosting and delivering the collection! The generosity of the people of Cambridge is what enables us to continue to support those in need." - Cambridge City Foodbank

Raising Awareness about Voter Registration

Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults

The Northstowe Church Network takes seriously the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults. This images below gives information and advice on what to do if you suspect abuse, and is particularly helpful if you are in a position of responsibility within the church.

The Northstowe Church Network continues the practice of Pathfinder Church, and has  adopted the Church of England's policy document, which can be downloaded here: Promoting a Safer Church (pdf)

Click on the images to download a PDF versions of our current paperwork.

Safeguarding Training

We are are committed to promoting a safer culture in our church and all our activities. This means we promote the welfare of children, young people and adults, work to prevent abuse from occurring, seek to protect those that are at risk of being abused and respond well to those that have been abused. Sadly we know abuse is not rare and we want everyone at church to feel safe and know what to do if they did have concerns. This means everyone on the church council or leading a group has had training on safeguarding.

We encourage everyone regularly involved with the Northstowe Church Network to consider taking the short, online, Basic Awareness training module provided by the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal ( If you do, please send a copy of your certificate, afterwards, to our volunteer email address.

If you would like to get more involved in helping run events, please email volunteer @ [without the spaces!]

All those involved in leadership are Safely Recruited, with appropriate levels of references and DBS checks, as well as additional safeguarding training.

Sadly, we recognise that churches haven't always got this right. If that has been your experience, you might find Safe Spaces a helpful organization to speak to.

Equalities Policy

The Northstowe Church Network (an ecumenical partnership of the United Reformed Church, Baptist Union, and Church of England) believes that all people are created in God’s image and are loved by God. In his ministry Jesus showed God’s love by his openness to all people, including those who were marginalised in his day.

This church affirms its commitment to show the same openness to all people in today’s world. It intends in spirit and in deed to promote equality of opportunity and diversity in all spheres of its activity and is committed to behaving as an equal opportunity organisation. It acknowledges that people are called to be diverse and lively, inclusive and flexible through the sharing of the gospel.

  1. We will nurture inclusive communities where all will be treated with dignity, respect and fairness.
  2. We will value the distinctive contribution of diverse cultures in our society generally, and in our worshipping community in particular.
  3. We are committed to social justice and will resolutely oppose discrimination within our church and in wider society.
Read the full policy...

Honest Church

Honest Church is a campaign by the Student Christian Movement, created to encourage greater honesty about the true welcome LGBTQ+ people experience in churches. Since 2023, their partners at WATCH (Women and the Church) have expanded the campaign to include honesty about women’s roles in church. The aim is to help churches communicate clearly about inclusivity, both in their public messaging and in conversations with students, graduates, and others seeking an inclusive Christian community

Opportunities for Women 

Church Council used the Honest Church Toolkit to reflect on the opportunities available for women in our community (on a scale of 1 to 5), We felt that we went beyond level 4, but acknowledge there is always more we can do to empower women, especially when considering other forms of intersectionality.  

"This is a church in which there are no limits on the roles that women can play and where people are intentionally seeking to encourage women to use gifts that they may not have been encouraged to use in other settings. Gender stereotypes are avoided and would be critiqued if they emerged. Members and leaders are also attentive to the intersection of gender issues with discrimination against other groups, such as on grounds of sexual orientation and race." – The Level 5 description from Honest Church 

We strive toward this vision and continue to work for greater inclusivity. 

Welcome to the LGBTQ+ Community 

From our early days as pioneers in Northstowe, we have described ourselves as offering “an inclusive ecumenical welcome.” Our lead minister is an Anglican priest, who can offer Prayers of Love and Faith within regular services for those in same sex relationship– read more. In 2024, we ran the Living in Love and Faith course and provided opportunities for further learning and discussion. 

Using the Honest Church spectrum, we currently identify as being at level 4:
"This is a church where there is at least some public support for LGBTQ+ people and probably a specific public welcome. Leaders are likely to be prepared to voice their affirmation and they may occasionally preach or write a blog or magazine article to explain their theological position. There may well be LGBTQ+ people in the congregation and in positions of leadership. Agencies and resources which offer LGBTQ+ people support and allyship may be linked to and promoted. There may also be members of the congregation or assistant leadership who are unsure or non-affirming. This church may specifically welcome them as part of the diverse family of faith. This means that an LGBTQ+ person or couple may occasionally meet opposition or comments that are uninformed, but the culture of the church as a whole is welcoming from a theological and personal standpoint. Illustrations and modelling may still tend towards heteronormativity but will be likely to be consciously minimised." 

We encourage everyone involved in the Northstowe Church Network to take the #BeHonest Quiz and share their feedback as we continue to learn and grow together. 

Photo Consent Form

At our events, we love to take photographs as a record of the day, and  which may be used for publicity including but not limited to church displays/posters/leaflets/social media/streaming in accordance with our Photography Policy, as reproduced on our form or available to download [Photography Policy]

If you want to opt out even of informal roaming group photography, you can use our form. Please also let the Session Lead know.

We only take individual photography with your consent . Our form can be used to update that too:

Social Media Policy

The Northstowe Church Network adheres to the best practice guidance from the Church of England, with particular reference to Chapter 12 of the Parish Safeguarding Handbook, and the National Church of England Digital Charter which sets out to make the digital world as loving and generous as we would when speaking face to face:
  • Truth - we should hold ourselves to high ideals of checking that what we post online is fair and factual.
  • Kindness - we are all different and that makes the world an interesting place – and at times a challenging one. Think the best of people, whether they share our views or are speaking against them and aim to be constructive in the way we engage.
  • Welcome - in the language we use and the way we interact. It’s easy for Christians to speak in another language using words that those outside the Church might not relate to.
  • Inspiration - we are called to be witnesses of our faith and to use social media in a way that genuinely engages others.
  • Togetherness - we are one Church and other members of this Church are our brothers and sisters in Christ. It is crucial we treat those around us in this way.
  • Safeguarding - if you have any concerns about the wellbeing of children, young people and vulnerable adults, please contact our minister, safeguarding officer, or the relevant diocesan safeguarding adviser.
  • Agree to the Church’s and Archbishops’ social media guidelines.

Annual Reports

Pathfinder Church Northstowe has been operating since 2019 as a Bishop's Mission Order, and as a subsidiary of Ely Diocesan Board of Finance. From 2024, Annual Reports will be for the new ecumenical Northstowe Church Network.

PDF downloads)

Want to support us "praying, exploring, and sharing"?

We are  registered with the Parish Giving Scheme, or there are other ways to give your time, prayers, or financial support.. [continue reading]

Want to know more or stay in touch?

Northstowe Church Network

The Northstowe Church Network is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Safeguarding Officer. The Diocese of Ely’s safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor (DSA) who advise our SO. If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the DSA. If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority Children or Adults Services."