What to expect

We're not following a blue print for "how to plant a church". We're pioneering... praying, exploring, and sharing together as we respond to what God's doing in this place.  You'll often find us joining in with Community Partnerships amongst those of all religious and non-religious beliefs. And our faith-based through-the-week events are emerging in response to the gifts each person brings, with deep roots into the various Christian traditions.  So come as you are, walk with us for a while... experience church - but perhaps not as you know it!

We don't have a "church building" here in Northstowe, so our events take place in the everyday places we find ourselves. Some are in people's homes. Others are in hired community spaces, often the Primary School. Some things happen in the park!  Read more below.

Community Partnerships

Our commitment to exploring and sharing has found us partnering to help build community amongst those of all religious an non-religious beliefs.  You’ll find us working with groups including Northstowe Arts, Northstowe Running Festival, the Town Council, Sustainable Northstowe,  the Foodbank or partnering widely for events at Christmas or Remembrance. We are also part of the Northstowe Faith Strategy Group. We can often be found supporting  Friends of Pathfinder Primary School, as well as running clubs and activities in partnership with both the primary and secondary school.

Fancy a half-termly afternoon tea with a little bit extra?

Bring the whole family to eat together and have fun, with the option to join in with various activities including a short act of worship or free-flow reflection in a ‘chapel space’. Something for everyone, no matter your faith. The next Afternoon Teas is on 2nd March,  3.30pm in The Pathfinder CofE Primary School,  as we mark Pancake Day with tasty treats and races!

Join community Litter Picks

THANK YOU to everyone who joined us, Northstowe Scouting, Sustainable Northstowe and the Northstowe Hub Cafe for a day of community litter picking at the  Spring Clean in Green on St Patrick's Day, 17th March 2024, and again on Saturday 15th June as part of Great Big Green Week. We look forward to more events in the year to come. 

Supporting young people of all faiths, cultures, genders, sexualities, and backgrounds: The Northstowe Youth Hive.

Working with local volunteers, we have helped set up, and are now a member organization, of the Northstowe Youth Hive. Beth is currently the chair. READ MORE on Beth's Blog.
The Hive are very grateful to the support of bpha and Church Schools of Cambridge to have brought in the Connections Bus Project while Northstowe was between Community Centres. Now, we are delighted to be partnering with Romsey Mill - in particular with Emma Whitbread, Northstowe's Youth Development Officer - and Northstowe Hub to relaunch the weekly Youth Drop In at Northstowe Hub Cafe (Wednesdays 3.30-5pm during school term). With more youth activities coming soon...  youth@northstowe.info @northstowe_youth

Hungry? Need help?

Revd Beth is a  foodbank voucher distributors with the Trussell Trust. Read more... then get in touch  during office hours through contact @ northstowe.church or 01954 261 181

Where appropriate, clicking on the images below will give more information.

Faith-based Activities

We're growing new missional and worshiping communities to shape the context of our growing new town. 
Read all about Little Explorers, Pathfinder Church, and the Compline Community...

But we're also much more than the sum of our parts! We're an ecumenical network bringing together the rich traditions of the Church of England, United Reformed Church and the Baptist Union of Great Britain. And, as an network, we love to meet throughout the week, praying, exploring, and praying. As well as coming together for special events like out Afternoon Teas.

 Church  - but perhaps not as you know it!

Catholic Mass: The closest Catholic Church to Northstowe is St Laurence's, Milton Road, Cambridge, offering 4 Sunday Masses. See the St Laurence's website for more information and read this week's newsletter for the latest.  Mass is also said at the Church Centre, Bar Hill, at 6pm on a Saturday,  For details, see here.

Where appropriate, clicking on the images below will give more information.

Regular (Term-time) Worshipping Events and Prayers

Midweek Evening Groups to build on our main gatherings

Building on the success of Food & Faith, the Book Group, and last term's Discussion Group, we're planning three things to help bring together those from across the whole Northstowe Church Network this term

1. More Food!
A key part of Food & Faith has been eating and socialising together. So we're looking for more opportunities for relaxed evenings when people can meet up. Do get in touch with ideas!

2. A Tuesday Evening Meet Up through Lent "Journeying to the Cross with Mark"
Each week we will meet to look at a passage in the Bible and explore it together. No judgement, no silly questions - come as you are and see what these stories have to say to us today!
We're aiming for 5-8 weeks in the run up to Easter, depending on who's available when. To help us pin down the start and finish dates, and find the right size venue, please let us know when you are likely to be around. We get that life sometimes throws curveballs, so don't worry if plans change - just let us know. And there’s no commitment to anything beyond this half term!
Express your interest here: https://forms.office.com/e/Vr1CyUTSih

3. A read-at-home but talk-about-everywhere Lent Book: The Rest is Worship
Start now, or wait until Lent!, and enjoy reflecting with this great little book by Sara and Sam Hargreaves. "Jesus invites us to come to him and rest. Being still creates a space where we can know God, glorify him and have our souls restored. In a world and a church which is often busy, distracted and striving, explore what it might look like to rest as an act of worship. "
Instead of scheduling another night out, there will be spaces in all our gatherings to share what people are noticing from the book -so even if you don't have time to read it you'll benefit!

Upcoming Special Events for the Whole Network

🌟 Key Dates for Your Calendar! 🌟
❌ NO NORTHSTOWE GATHERING on Sunday 23rd Feb (end of half term)

📅 Pathfinder Vision Morning
Details are in the works—chat with Will if you’d like to get involved!
📅 Building Project Focused Church Meeting
📍 Thursday, 6th Feb – 7:30 PM, THE CABIN
A chance to catch up and focus on our exciting plans.
🥞 Pancake Party
📍 Sunday, 2nd March, Pathfinder Primary School
Bring your appetite and celebrate together—pancakes for everyone!

✝️Ash Wednesday Choral Eucharist with Ashing
📍Wednesday, 5th March, Pembroke College Chapel
We're travelling into town to enjoy the beauty of this traditional service led by the combined college choirs. 🎵

✨ Special Events During Holy Week
See the Easter page for full details, but here’s a quick preview:
🌿 Palm Sunday – 13th April, 10am OUTSIDE
🍷 Maundy Thursday – 17th April, evening
✝️ Good Friday – 18th April, 10am, Pathfinder Primary
🌅 Easter Sunday – 20th April, dawn at the Lake, and 10am, Pathfinder Primary (around the campfire, weather permitting)
📍 Sunday, 27th April (after the Northstowe Half Marathon)
A perfect combo of church family time and a tasty BBQ to wrap up the day.
❌ NO NORTHSTOWE GATHERING on Sunday 4th May (Early May Bank Holiday)
Mark your calendars—we’d love to see you there! 💒✨

Mark your calendars—we’d love to see you there! 💒✨

last updated  18th Jan 2024


Planning is already underway for whole-network as well as missional community opportunities to mark  Lent and Easter. 

Previous special events

Want to support our work? Pathfinder Church Northstowe, our first church community, is registered with the Parish Giving Scheme and as such a regular Direct Debit can be set up online..  Read on to see how else you can support the Northstowe Church Network [continue reading]
(c) Northstowe Church Network 2024