Want to know more?

praying, exploring and sharing as we work with those of all religious and non religious beliefs to help shape Northstowe, as well as hosting special faith-based activities.  Whats On...
We're a network of missional and worshipping communities growing with our new town, all shaped by the gifts of our ecumenical partnerships 
There are certain moments in life that take our breath away – in ecstasy, in pain, in beauty, in wonder. Be it the birth of a child, loss of a loved one or the joy of a wedding. Read more...

Contact us

Talk to our Pioneer Minister, Revd Beth Cope 

Church office: 

Church House, 6 Woodpecker Close
CB24 1AW
01954 261181

Support us

Want to support us "praying, exploring, and sharing"? We're registered with the Parish Giving Scheme allowing Direct Debits to be managed online. Read about other way to support us - through prayer, time, or finances, on our Giving Page.

Read our eNews

Most weeks we send a general eNews, with news from across the Northstowe Church Network.

As we grow, we're hoping to start to tailor these updates, so that you get the news that really matters to you. So, for example, if you are primarily part of the Little Explorers community, you might also/only want to get focused Little Explorers updates - please check the relevant boxes Equally, if you are following our eNews as a prayer-supporter or friend from a partnership organization, let us know, and we'll send you occasional messages with our Big News.

Join our mailing list(s): 

Sign up to our mailing list(s) to stay up to date on all that's happening. Don't forget, things look rather different during the school summer holidays!


Recent updates

Read about our Silver Eco Award, and our Honest Church evaluation (including offering Prayers of Love and Faith)

News Headlines

Safeguarding: so all can flourish

The Northstowe Church Network  is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Safeguarding Officer.  If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority Children or Adults Services...[continue reading]

Where are our roots?

We might be growing up in a new community, but we've deep roots into the historic and worldwide Church. The Northstowe Church Network is a local ecumenical partnership [Christian traditions working together] of the Church of England, the Baptist Union of Great Britain, and the United Reformed Church, working closely with the others involved in Churches Together in Cambridgeshire - with a Shared Vision statement with the local Quaker meeting and the East Anglian Methodist District. Because one strand of our identity is being part of the Church of England, living out a commitment to be “a visible Christian presence in every community", we are able to offer Life Event services (weddings, christenings, funerals), both here in Northstowe and in our Parish Church in Longstanton, to all those who live in Northstowe, as well as Prayers of Love and Faith for those in same sex partnerships.
(c) Northstowe Church Network 2024