With the Northstowe Church Network
Join Little Explorers, Pathfinder Church, and the Compline Community this Lent and Easter at our special network wide events and regular gatherings as we explore the events of Holy Week and reflect on living well with God’s presence in our lives.
Tuesdays | Journeying to the Cross with Mark
Informal Bible discussions exploring the journey to the cross in Mark’s Gospel.
Flexible scheduling based on participant availability—let us know when you can join!
“Rest is not simply a time to regain our energy, but the invitation to be restored, to be renewed, to be fundamentally changed from the inside out. It’s an invitation into a deeper relationship with Jesus.”
Sunday Afternoons (Term Time) | Steps Towards Wellbeing
Alternate Thursday Evenings | “You mark out my journeys and my resting place”
We're praying Night Prayer individually each night in Lent, coming together on 13th & 27th March, when there will also be space to discuss the book. Join us for Special Events for Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday